Call For Papers


International Journal of Research in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering (An open-access scholarly, online, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, monthly, and fully refereed journal.)


Smooth, simple, and timely publishing of review and research articles.

We are pleased to inform you that IJRAME will launch its next issue (Volume 13, Issue 1, JANUARY -2025). We invite you to contribute your Research Paper for publication in IJRAME. Papers published in IJRAME will receive very high publicity and acquire a very high reputation. The journal covers all areas of computer science, Information technology, and more. We publish original research articles, review articles, and technical notes. The journal reviews papers within one week of submission and publishes accepted articles on the Internet immediately upon receiving the final versions. Our fast reviewing process is our strength.

Authors are requested to prepare their manuscript in IJRAME paper format using the IJRAME’s Manuscript Template.

For the author’s convenience, we strongly follow the following steps.

1. Response will be given within 12 hours.

2. The paper will be reviewed within 4 days.

3. Author will get their Acceptance/Rejection Notification within 7 days of submitting the paper.

5. All the accepted papers will be open and accessible with a full PDF download.

Important date:

Last Date for Submission of Manuscript: 30th January 2025

Launch of Issue: 1st – 31ST January 2025


Submit your manuscript online or through e-mail at

IJRAME is one of the Indexed and Registered Journal with the International Society for Research Activity